Watermelon diet for weight loss

girls eat watermelon

Now is the time to lose weight, and we suggest you use the most delicious autumn delicacy for this - watermelons. Doctors promise that the watermelon diet will help you get rid of 10 extra pounds in just a couple of weeks.

And some do it! But let's not be extreme people: you can sit on a strict watermelon diet for no longer than 3 days, and during this time you will not be able to get rid of ten kilograms, such a rapid weight loss would be simply dangerous. But even if "only" 700-800 g per day will go away, it's already good.

Who can't lose weight like that?

For a start - about contraindications. You can't lose weight for diabetics like that: watermelon is a sweet berry, there is a lot of sugar in it. Those with kidney and bladder problems shouldn't get carried away with these giant berries either. The fact is that watermelon has a well-known effect, in which you should not run far from the toilet (specifically, a diuretic). During the diet, the kidneys begin to work to their fullest. If there is a possibility that there are stones in the kidneys, a watermelon diet can be dangerous: the stones will move under the strong pressure of fluid leaving the body. For those who are not uncommon for stomach and intestinal problems, this diet (as, indeed, many others) is also not suitable.

Common sense dictates the following: as with any diet, it is best to consult a doctor before drinking watermelon. And it is desirable for those who treat, those who know about your chronic diseases and are able to predict the nuances of the body losing weight on watermelons and give appropriate recommendations.

Option one - strict

This diet should never be practiced for more than 3 days. Its essence is that you can eat only one watermelon at the rate - per 10 kg of body weight 1 kg of watermelon pulp per day. The number of meals is not limited. For the night there is - you can!

After such a strict diet, you cannot immediately return to your usual diet, you will have to leave the diet gently. In the early days, you can eat dairy and sour-milk products with low fat content, cook porridge, cook fish and chicken on a steam. Sweets, alcohol, fatty, fried should be excluded.

You can only drink pure non-carbonated water, at least 1. 5 liters per day.

Option two, sparing

Add 2 slices of rye bread to the watermelons per meal. You can sit on such a diet longer, 5-7 days. In the same way, as in the first case, you will have to get out of it gradually, carefully analyzing your diet for sweets, fats and other unhealthy foods.

Option three - diet restriction

The two week diet is much more gentle than the first two. After all, sitting for 14-15 days on watermelons alone is fraught with many problems, so the diet is diversified with protein, other carbohydrates and even fats.

There should be 5-6 meals a day, 500-800 grams of watermelon in each. In addition to watermelon, you can eat: a portion of unsweetened oatmeal, or a vegetable salad of fresh vegetables without salt and oil (150 g), or a slice of cheese, or 150-200 g of boiled chicken (fish), or a glass of kefir. But dinner should always be strictly "watermelon".

In addition, you need to drink a lot - this will facilitate the release of toxins formed as a result of the breakdown of fats. Tea, coffee and soda are prohibited, only water or green tea is allowed.