How to lose 7 kg in a week: ways to achieve a difficult goal

is it possible to lose seven kilograms in a week

How to Lose Weight? Many people ask this question. And he visits a person most often shortly before a vacation trip or before any significant event (for example, before a wedding).

Hated kilograms have been accumulating for long months or even years, and now the task is to say goodbye to them in the shortest possible time. It is difficult, but possible.

So, the goal is to lose 7 kg in 7 days. What is needed to achieve it?

What threatens a sharp weight loss

In the process of fighting excess weight, nothing stimulates better than "minuses" on the scales. However, the rapid loss of pounds can cause significant and often irreparable damage to health.

What dangers can you face when you decide to bring your figure to perfection in just one week?

  1. Disruptions in metabolism. Many are faced with a situation where compliance with strict diets, increased physical activity is not reflected in any way on body weight. This is explained by the fact that the body adapts to this lifestyle by slowing down the metabolism.
  2. Dystrophy of muscle mass. This is possible with a lack of adipose tissue and muscle wasting.
  3. Stomach ulcers and gastritis. One of the factors leading to rapid weight loss is strict diets. Not enough food enters the stomach. As a result, the produced gastric juice has a destructive effect on the walls of not only the stomach, and the duodenum.
  4. Disruption of hormonal levels and, as a result, disruptions in the menstrual cycle and problems with conception. This is due to the fact that the distribution of a number of hormones occurs with the participation of adipose tissues. Also in the latter, the transformation of male hormones into female hormones is carried out.
  5. Violation of heart rhythm and surges in blood pressure. Excess weight has a negative effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. However, losing weight rapidly is not the best effect. For the full enrichment of additional kilograms, the blood vessels stretch over time, and their restoration to their previous size is a rather long process.
  6. Malfunctions of the nervous system. A lack of vitamin B, as well as stress due to an elementary insufficient amount of food, are manifested by a droopy mood and even depression.
  7. Avitaminosis. If diets are followed, the required amount of nutrients does not enter the body. This manifests itself through problems with the skin, hair, nails and so on. It also threatens with a deterioration of the body's immune defenses and frequent illnesses.
  8. With a sharp weight loss, the skin does not have time to adapt, it looks stretched and saggy. Often this can be solved exclusively with the help of surgeons.

The listed dangers should make you think about the advisability of drastic weight loss.

Tips for fast weight loss at home

If the desire to lose weight dramatically still "prevailed", then you need to treat this process reasonably.

It would be most correct to seek consulting services from a specialized specialist (nutritionist). It will be even better if this doctor monitors the results obtained.

Do not drastically reduce the amount of food consumed. Despite the process of losing weight, all the nutrients necessary for its healthy functioning must enter the body.

It must be remembered that it is good to lose weight quickly and noticeably, but it is more important to maintain the result. This is possible only if the correct weight loss regimen is selected.

The faster the kilograms are dropped, the more likely they are to come back. Often the opposite process leads to an aggravation of the situation, that is, even more excess fatty tissue.

Meals should be frequent (no more than four hours apart) with small portions.

Proper weight loss is not possible through dietary changes alone. The body needs constant physical activity. This will contribute not only to the burning of fatty tissues, but also to tighten the body.

You can speed up the process of losing weight by eliminating flour products, alcohol, mayonnaise, carbonated drinks, sweets, starchy goodies.

A person is losing weight in pursuit of two goals: to improve their appearance, to reduce the load on the body. It is important that this does not happen at the expense of health. Since in this case, not one of the goals will be achieved.

The most popular diets for losing weight 7 kg per week

Emergency weight loss diets are countless. However, the most positive results are shown by such as protein, low-calorie and mono-diets.

dietary rules for losing weight per week

Protein schemes are based on eating high-protein foods and avoiding fat and carbohydrates.

Foods allowed for consumption are eggs, meat, fish. Building a diet based on them practically eliminates hunger tests. No muscle mass is lost, and weight loss occurs through the fight against fluid and fat.

This diet does not exclude vegetables. They can be both fresh and thermally processed. The main thing is that they do not contain starch. From fruits in the morning, a small amount of apples are allowed.

Mono-diets are based on a “one food for one or more days” diet. When building it, it is necessary to be guided by taste preferences and common sense.

Examples of foods are cereals, dairy products, vegetables, chicken, seafood, fruits, and so on. Low-calorie diets are the most popular. They consist in controlling the energy value of the diet.

The list of products is unlimited. The main thing is to comply with the allowed daily calorie intake. The latter are determined individually.

This takes into account age, state of health, degree of physical activity, weight indicators (initial and desired). Most often, the rate is set at around 1000-1200 kcal.

To help your body cope with the challenges of weight loss through dieting, you can take vitamin complexes in parallel. They will partially compensate for the insufficient amount of nutrients entering the body.

The optimal duration of diets to minimize negative health effects is one week.

How to lose 7 kg in 7 days without dieting and sports

There are many options available on the world market to combat obesity without the need for diet or grueling exercise. These are special clothes, chewing gums, belts, shoe insoles. Here is the answer to the question of how to lose 7 kg in a week without diets.

Now you can easily find T-shirts of various lengths, breeches, shorts, underwear, whole sports sets that, according to the description, contribute to weight loss. The choice should be based on problem areas.

This can work separately on the hips, chest or back, leaving the rest of the body unchanged. If the problem is global, then the tracksuit option will do.

how to lose seven kilograms in a week

The principle of operation of such things lies in the elementary removal of excess fluid and toxins from the body. This is due to the "sauna" effect. The clothes are tight.

The body in it heats up and actively sweats. Thus, subcutaneous metabolic processes are accelerated several times.

The figure looks tight in such things. Weight loss is accompanied by a fight against cellulite.

At first glance, there are some pluses. But there are also disadvantages. Such clothes, pulling the problem areas, hinder the lymph flow. A variety of ailments can result.

Also, unscrupulous manufacturers can violate quality standards, which can cause rashes in such clothes.

The most questionable way to lose weight, many consider the use of special chewing gum. Their manufacturers convince consumers that this product dampens appetite and contains extracts of exotic plants that help burn fat. But there is no adequate explanation for this.

A sane person understands that under the influence of the chewing movement, the appetite only grows. In parallel, gastric juice is produced, which, in the absence of food in the stomach, eats away at its membrane. In this case, the negative impact is obvious.

Slimming insoles are the safest weight-loss options considered. It has long been proven that the feet are directly connected by invisible threads with all systems of the human body. The correct pattern on the insoles helps to normalize and accelerate metabolic processes.

The effectiveness of this option is questionable, but the damage done is minimal.

The slimming belt, like special clothing, helps to eliminate fluids and toxins. Also, due to the massage effect, it improves blood circulation. Taken together, all this leads to weight loss.

Thermal and sauna belt is an elastic band of several layers, supplemented with the necessary fasteners. The various massage belts are complemented by the corresponding mechanisms.

It is dangerous to use this option during pregnancy and in the presence of any diseases of the cardiovascular and reproductive systems.

The effectiveness of the options considered is not always high, and sometimes it is not proven at all. It is practically impossible to quickly get rid of excess fatty tissues using only them.

Weight Loss Workout Program

Fighting excess weight with the right approach means exercising.

Here are some of the best effective exercises that will bring you closer to your desired results every day:

  1. Starting position - standing with legs together. You should sit down and at the same time touch the floor with your hands, then jump out, raising your arms above your head. The exercise is performed as quickly as possible.
  2. Strike a stance position, keeping your body on your toes and hands. The knees are alternately brought to the chest. First straight (right knee to right chest and vice versa), then cross-touch. The intensity of the exercise should resemble a run.
  3. exercise for quick weight loss
  4. Get on your knees. The abdomen and buttocks are pulled in. You should alternately descend on the left and right thighs. In this case, the touch of the floor on both sides of the calves should be minimal so that the muscles are constantly in good shape.
  5. Press your back against the wall and sit down so that your legs form right angles to the floor and body (the pose resembles the position when a person sits on a chair). Fix the body for the maximum time.
  6. Stand with your back to a sofa or chair. Put one leg with the upper part of the foot on the selected support. Perform a series of deep squats on the other leg. The further you stand from the support, the more effective the exercise.
  7. Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. It is necessary to raise the pelvis as high as possible, in this position to bring and spread the knees, return to the original position. Repeat the selected number of times.
  8. Starting position - standing with legs wide apart. Deep squats are performed alternately on each leg.
  9. Take a supine position. Raise your legs perpendicular to the floor. Tear the pelvis off the floor with the abdominal muscles, making a birch tree without the help of hands, stay in this position for a couple of seconds. Repeat the exercise the selected number of times.
  10. Lie on your left side. Draw in the buttocks and stomach. Raise your right leg as high as the stretch allows.
  11. The last exercise in this series of exercises should be the following exercise. Get into the doggy pose, exhale and immediately tighten the muscles of the press and buttocks as much as possible. Hold your breath, counting in your mind to 10. Exhale, relax. Repeat the steps at least 5 times.

The number of executions depends on the physical fitness of the person and is selected individually. This program can be performed in several approaches.

The load should be slightly increased every day by increasing the number of repetitions.

Lose weight by 7 kg in 2-3 weeks

Getting rid of the hated fat in 2-3 weeks is a more realistic task. In this case, there is time for reasonable action.

First of all, you need to review your daily routine. A good eight-hour sleep is the main aspect. If the connection between normal rest and weight loss is hard to believe, but convincing yourself is worth at least the argument that you don't feel like eating during sleep.

Care should be taken of what goes on the dinner plate, in what quantity and in what combination. There are simply incompatible foods, the use of which loads the digestive system and leads to jumps in weight indicators. It is better to refuse high-calorie foods.

Eating is necessary slowly. Better to use small dishes and even small utensils. In no case should you skip meals (especially in the morning).

The next aspect is sports. You can sign up for fitness or gym. It is better to take your sister or girlfriend with you to motivate each other to go to training.

Usually 2-3 sessions are held per week, but in case of emergency weight loss (and 3 weeks is not one, but, nevertheless, very little) this is not enough. On weekends from visiting the hall, days must be dealt with independently.

The main goal of such "home" workouts is not to build muscle mass and tighten the form (although that would be great), but to keep the metabolism in good shape. Let it be a 10 minute warm-up. It'll be enough.

Leisure at this time should be especially entertaining, which will also distract attention from the refrigerator.

How to keep the result

The set goal is achieved in a week or 2-3 weeks does not matter. The main thing now is to keep the new shape.

This requires:

  • every morning after visiting the bathroom, step on the scales in order to capture "plus 300 grams", and not "plus 2 kg";
  • continue to play sports (you can already refuse from daily exhaustion of the body, it will be enough to visit the gym 2-3 times a week);
  • it is necessary to adhere to the correct diet and daily routine;
  • do not consume foods such as chips, mayonnaise, carbonated drinks and so on (they are contraindicated even for those who are happy with their weight).

Remember, it is easier to maintain body weight than to fight heroically with extra centimeters.